Ein neuer Status Match wartet …

Seit einiger Zeit gibt es einen Vietnam Airlines Lotusmiles Status Match. Man bietet einen bezahlten Match bis Platinum (= Skyteam Elite Plus). Die Liste der zu matchenden Programme ist elendig lange und entnehmt bitte selbst der Promo Page.
Die Preise:

Die Bedingungen:
„Only 1 status match per person will be permitted under this campaign matching to Platinum, Gold or Titanium tiers.
The application fees vary by region, tier and eligibility. The fees will be displayed to you prior to any purchase commitment and are available below as a guide.
Only residents of target countries that hold locally government issued identification are permitted to apply.
If approved, the Status Match upgrade is valid for 12 months. To retain your status past this date, you must re-qualify based on meeting the published status programme requirements on vietnamairlines.com/us/en/lotusmile
All Status Match requests are handled by and are the responsibility of StatusMatch.com and not by Vietnam Airlines or any of its affiliates.
In addition to other eligibility requirements, a Status Match will only be granted to applicants whose name matches the records in the Lotusmiles program.
With the participation in the campaign, participants acknowledge that the data submitted to StatusMatch.com may be shared with Lotusmiles. Read the full privacy policy here
Only elite status holders of eligible airlines, who pay the relevant application fee and are approved, will receive the matched status.
The Status Match offer is limited in number of matches and time frame at the sole discretion of StatusMatch.com and Vietnam Airlines. It may end at any time.
Members that are approved for a Status Match will not be eligible for any potential subsequent Status Match with Vietnam Airlines.
The awarded Lotusmiles status may be suspended, revoked or terminated by Vietnam Airlines in accordance with the Lotusmiles program terms and conditions.
Vietnam Airlines reserves the right to deny the status match approval for members who have violated the Lotusmiles program terms and conditions in the past.
Vietnam Airlines may take up to 5 business days after approval by StatusMatch.com before the upgraded tier is visible in the member’s account.
Approved members will not receive a physical status card, but instead encouraged to use the digital card using the Vietnam Airlines mobile app. App instructions can be found here.
If you request to have a physical card, please kindly email Lotusmiles using your Lotusmiles email address, at helpdesk.lotusmiles@vietnamairlines.com for assistance, and quote your personal details, Lotusmiles membership number, mailing address and other request details. Physical card will be mailed to you within 20-30 days, depending on your location. If you are flying on Vietnam Airlines, no physical card is required, but if you are flying on SkyTeam member airlines, it is suggested to have a physical card on your side.“
Zur Promo Page: Vietnam Airlines Status Match
Ich bin dabei aber nur für den Titanium level, Danke für die Info
Geht leider nicht es wird automatisch der Gold status vorgeschlagen ,es gibt keine Möglichkeit nur den Titanium level auszuwählen. Schade 200 Usd sind doch zuviel somal der Gold gleich wert ist wie Titanium Sky Team Elite.