Postcards: Fuzhou

draußen, Gebäude, Haus, Fotopapier, Himmel, Straße, Weg, Gelände, Post, Schwarzweiß

Foochow Foochow Foochow Foochow Foochow Foochow Foochow Foochow Foochow

Kommentare 2
  1. Dearest writer,
    My name is Xuewei-ZHANG,I am a teacher at the School of Architecture and Urban and Rural Planning of Fuzhou university. I am really grateful that you give such a wonderful view of ancient Fuzhou for us.
    These days I am prepared to publish my doctoral dissertation and I really hope I can use these historical photo in my book,so here I apply to you for the copyright. Welcome to contact me anytime.
    Thanks a lot~

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