Eine neue Hotelmarke von Hyatt: UrCove

Gebäude, Himmel, Wolke, Metropole, Metropolregion, Hochhaus, Stadtlandschaft, Stadtgebiet, Skyline, draußen, Stadtzentrum, Nebel, Luftfotografie, Stadt, Wolkenkratzer, Turm

China erhält eine neue Hyatt Marke …

Gebäude, Himmel, Wolke, Metropole, Metropolregion, Hochhaus, Stadtlandschaft, Stadtgebiet, Skyline, draußen, Stadtzentrum, Nebel, Luftfotografie, Stadt, Wolkenkratzer, Turm

Hyatt steigt weiter in China ein. Hyatt und BTG Homeinns Hotels Group werden für China bessere Mittelklasse Hotels entwickeln. Getauft wird die neue Marke UrCove.

Die Pressemitteilung:

„UrCove hotels will cater to the ‘Road Warriors’ – a term used to identify an extension within the upper-midscale segment of frequent business travelers. These highly mobile travelers often seek out efficiency and comfort but are limited in opportunities to get the best out of their travel experience. With its population expected to reach 440 million by 2020 and continuously rising income levels, China’s middle class is greatly underserved when traveling for work.
Located in highly accessible locations in gateway cities where travelers can get the best business and leisure experiences, UrCove hotels will adopt best-in-class design. Functional business space and practical amenities will allow travelers to manage work tasks while exploring their host city with ease. Leveraging Hyatt’s highly renowned food and beverage excellence, UrCove hotels will also provide delicious food including a nutritious breakfast with lavish choices to ensure a whole day’s energy for work, as well as group or business dinner options. The first two UrCove hotels are expected to open in Shanghai and Beijing by late 2020.“

Die Pressemitteilung: Hyatt and BTG Homeinns Unveil New Hospitality Brand Under Joint Venture

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