ENDE: Grounding von Aigle Azur

Himmel, Wolke, Schnee, Wolken, draußen, Natur, Luftbild, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Flug

Aigle Azur wird gegroundet …

Himmel, Wolke, Schnee, Wolken, draußen, Natur, Luftbild, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Flug

Für Aigle Azur ist das Ende da. Aigle Azur stellt mit 07.09. alle Flüge ein. Keine Langstrecke mehr nach Südamerika.

„Dear customers,
In connection with the French authorities of civil aviation and the official bodies in charge of the judicial procedures, Aigle Azur, in great economic difficulty, is unfortunately under obligation to cancel all its flights as from Saturday, September 7, 2019.
Due to the financial situation of the company and the resulting operational difficulties, flights can not be assured beyond September 6th at night.
From September 7th 1019, whatever the airport of departure, Aigle Azur flights are canceled.
If you are an Aigle Azur passenger traveling the 6 of september, please check that your flight is operating by consulting the list of the confirmed flights below :
Operated Aigle Azur flights* :
List of the Operated Aigle Azur flights
*ATTENTION: if your return flight is scheduled after September 6, 2019, whatever the airport of departure, this flight will be canceled. You will have to purchase another return ticket.
Because of its financial situation, the company can’t ensure a compensation. The procedures will have to be engaged within the processes in place. Indeed, you will have to assert your rights and claims through with the legal authorities, according to the following procedure:
Canceled flights – how to declare your claim :
If your flight is canceled, you can declare your claim in the context of the insolvency proceedings.
To help you, legal representatives made available a dedicated website: www.aigleazur.online
The passengers affected by the canceled flights, can also contact their existing insurance as part of the payments made by a bank card, in order, to obtain the refund or the compensation of their ticket.
For tickets purchased through a travel agency, it is up to the passengers to contact their travel agent to know the conditions of refund or replacement or compensation of the ticket.
In the case where none of the solutions is possible, we invite passengers to acquire a new ticket while declaring their claim following the legal process by clicking on: www.aigleazur.online.
Additionnal information can be obtained from the website : https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/
Aware of the considerable inconvenience of this situation, Aigle Azur presents to all of its customers, its most sincere apologies. All the team will insure, until the last scheduled flight, the comfort and safety of all passengers.
The company remains mobilized to allow a business recovery plan by a buyer or buyers as soon as possible.“

Zu Aigle Azur: Dear customer …

Schau doch mal in der Boardingarea DE Facebook Gruppe vorbei: Vielflieger Lounge – Tipps & Tricks für Vielflieger

Kommentare 4
    1. Interessanterweise hat doch aber HNA 49% gehalten. Und wer bekommt die Aigle Azur vormals Airberlin Maschinen jetzt?

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