30% BONUS bei Anantara / Avani Giftcards

draußen, Natur, Himmel, Küste, Wolke, Berg, Wasser, Küsten- und Ozeanlandschaft, Strand, Sound, Gewässer, See, Landschaft, Tropen, Gelände, Sand

Anantara Hotels bieten einen Giftcard Aktion …

draußen, Natur, Himmel, Küste, Wolke, Berg, Wasser, Küsten- und Ozeanlandschaft, Strand, Sound, Gewässer, See, Landschaft, Tropen, Gelände, Sand

Giftcard Promos sind gerade sehr in Mode. Anantara / Avani gibt auf die eGiftcards einen 30% Bonus.

Gültigkeit ist nur ein Jahr. Die Giftcards werden auch in die Währung des jeweiligen Hotels umgerechnet. Sie müssen auch immer auf einmal verbraucht werden und Splitting ist nicht möglich.

Die Bedingungen:

„Gift Vouchers are non-transferable and can only be redeemed by the recipient indicated on the Gift Voucher at the time of voucher purchase.
Gift Vouchers are redeemable for in-house guests against your total hotel stay while staying at a participating Anantara or AVANI hotel or resort at the time of redemption.
Gift Vouchers may also be redeemed by walk-in guests not staying in-house for participating hotel experiences including food and beverage at selected restaurants.
Any redemption made at a hotel or resort in a different currency than that noted on the eGift Card will be converted into the local currency at the hotel’s official exchange rate of the day.
Gift Vouchers may only be used for a single transaction; the full value must be redeemed at one time.
Gift Vouchers may be combined with other forms of payment. Charges in excess of the voucher’s stored value may be settled with cash or major credit cards accepted at the Anantara or AVANI hotel or resort.
Gift Vouchers are not exchangeable for cash and have no value unless redeemed.
Minor Hotels and its Anantara and AVANI hotels and resorts are not responsible for lost or stolen Gift Vouchers.
Gift Vouchers cannot be sold, are not transferable and cannot be scalped, auctioned, raffled, pledged or promoted as an incentive or reward by any third party as an inducement for any person or other entity to enter into any commercial or other arrangements with that third party. If a Gift Voucher is obtained through any of these methods, it will not be honoured and will be deemed invalid.
Redemption of a Gift Voucher is subject to the hotel’s availability, specific room category availability and ‘blackout’ periods (including school holidays and public holidays).
Minor Hotels, Anantara and AVANI may amend these terms & conditions from time to time without prior notice. Any amendment will be effective immediately.“

[button link=“https://egiftcard.anantara.com“ color=“silver“ newwindow=“yes“] Gifts of Authentic Luxury for Every Occasion[/button]

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Kommentare 2
  1. Gültig ein Monat. Loooollllll… Nein danke! Habe mich bei Marriott mit 5’000 $ eingedeckt! Keine Gültigkeitsbeschränkung. Kein Zwang zur einmaligen Einlösung. Keine Fremdwährungaufschläge. Dafür „nur“ 20 %!

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