Finnland erlaubt ab 13.07. wieder Reisen aus DACH

draußen, Himmel, Wolke, Wasser, See, Natur, Ruhig, Seenlandschaft, Sound, Horizont, Landschaft, Küste, Gras, Meer, Strand

Finnland wird mit 13.07. die Grenzen für Touristen öffnen …

draußen, Himmel, Wolke, Wasser, See, Natur, Ruhig, Seenlandschaft, Sound, Horizont, Landschaft, Küste, Gras, Meer, Strand

Bereits eine Reise innerhalb von Schengen / im EU Raum ist mit einigen Schwierigkeiten verbunden: Wohin kann man in der EU / Schengen reisen? Covid-19 Fälle, Quarantäne, Einreisebestimmungen, Reisewarnungen

Großartige Fernreisen sind im Sommer wahrscheinlich unmöglich. Wer fortfahren möchte, wird sich auf den Schengen / EU Raum konzentrieren. Noch immer haben jedoch manche EU Länder die Grenzen für den Tourismus zu.

Bei Finnland wird es sich mit 13.07. ändern. Da öffnet man die Grenzen für Reisen aus dem DACH Raum:

„Finland is looking forward to welcoming leisure travelers from a growing number of European countries as of 13 July. There would be no border control for travelers from these countries and they would not need to self-quarantine on arrival in Finland.
The Finnish Government agreed that as of 13 July, it would lift the internal border control and restrictions on traffic between Finland and countries where the incidence of COVID-19 is similar to that in countries where internal border control has already been lifted. These countries are Norway, Denmark, Iceland and the Baltic countries. At present, the limit value is a maximum of eight new cases of the disease per 100,000 persons in the previous 14 days. The Government will update the new list countries based on the development of the epidemic by 10 July.
Based on the current development of the epidemic, internal border control could be lifted for the following Schengen countries as of 13 July: Germany, Italy, Austria, Greece, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Liechtenstein. In addition, travel to Finland from Croatia, Cyprus and Ireland, which are EU Member States but not part of the Schengen area, would be allowed.
Work-related, essential travel (for example a family reason, a personal reason or travel to a property, private residence or holiday residence in Finland or the purchase of one) and return traffic is possible from EU and Schengen countries as well as the UK. However currently travelers entering Finland from all but Norway, Denmark, Iceland and the Baltic countries are recommended to self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival. Entry restrictions (excluding transit) to Finland for travelers from countries outside the EU remain in place until at least until 14 July.“


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