125% BONUS bei Avianca Lifemiles Meilentransfer

Fenster, Himmel, Tageslichtsysteme, Glas, Gebäude, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Im Haus

Bei Avianca Lifemiles erhält man beim Meilentransfer einen 125% Bonus …

Fenster, Himmel, Tageslichtsysteme, Glas, Gebäude, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Im Haus

Ein Avianca Lifemiles Meilentransfer bringt gerade einen 125% Bonus. Eigentlich kauft man Meilen mit einem 125 Bonus.

Avianca befindet sich in Insolvenz in Eigenverwaltung. Lifemiles ist eine getrennte Gesellschaft und ist selbst nicht in Insolvenz in Eigenverwaltung. IMO würde ich derzeit trotzdem nicht auf Lifemiles setzen, aber jeder kann seine eigene Meinung bilden.

Die Bedingungen:

“This promotion is valid from August 18th to August 31st, 2020 (between 00.00-23.59 GMT -6, El Salvador), as the last date of transfer.
Transfer fee for each block of 1,000 LifeMiles: US$15.00 not including applicable taxes and US$18.30* including applicable taxes according to the country of correspondence registered in the LifeMiles database**
The 125% bonus is calculated over the amount of miles to be transferred.
Miles transfer is available through Avianca´s Call Centers, LifeMiles.com and Avianca Information Centers. For residents of Venezuela, it is only available through LifeMiles.com.
At LifeMiles.com, the purchase can only be done through BUY MILES/ Transfer your miles.
Only form of payment through Avianca’s Call Center and LifeMiles.com: international credit or debit card. Cash payments are only allowed at Avianca’s Information Centers.
The miles must be transferred in multiples of 1,000.
Minimum transfer miles: 1,000.
Maximum transfer miles per member per calendar year: LM 75,000 (excluding additional bonuses).
Maximum LifeMiles to receive per member per calendar year: LM 75,000 (excluding additional bonuses).
The miles transferred and earned with this promotion do not apply to achieve or maintain Elite status.
The transfer of miles is not reversible or refundable, except in countries where this right is granted by applicable law, such as the right to retraction in Colombia, in the cases where it applies. The transfer of miles is an immediate execution transaction. Once the miles are transferred, they will be accrued immediately on the receiving member´s account. As of that moment, the miles can be used according to the terms and conditions of the LifeMiles Program. Miles transferred, once accrued, can be redeemed in accordance with the conditions specified in the LifeMiles Program Terms and Conditions and the portfolio of products and services available for redemption.
LifeMiles Terms and Conditions apply. LifeMiles is a trademark of LifeMiles LTD.
*For residents in Colombia: the values are settled based on Colombia´s exchange rate on the date of the transaction. For residents in Peru the fee for each package of 1,000 miles transferred is US$ 15.00 or S/. 52.77 including taxes. Prices in Nuevos Soles reflect the reference exchange rate to July 28th, 2020: S/. 3.518 per US$1. Final prices in Nuevos Soles will be determined based on the exchange rate of the date of the transaction. For residents in other countries, the values are settled based on the official exchange rate provided by IATA. **The price can be lower depending of the correspondence country entered on the Member´s profile in their LifeMiles account.”

Die Höchstmenge:

75 000 Meilen + 93 750 Meilen = 168 750 Meilen

[button link=”https://www.lifemiles.com/transfer-miles” color=”silver” newwindow=”yes”] Transfer Miles[/button]

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