Accor All Fast Track zum höheren Status

draußen, Himmel, Baum, Wasser, Horizont, See, Abend, Abenddämmerung, Natur, Berg, Sonnenaufgang, Küste, Sonne, Sonnenuntergang, Reise, Landschaft

Ein Stay bringt Statusnächte bei Accor All …

draußen, Himmel, Baum, Wasser, Horizont, See, Abend, Abenddämmerung, Natur, Berg, Sonnenaufgang, Küste, Sonne, Sonnenuntergang, Reise, Landschaft

Accor All hat eine Promotion für Kunden einer Reisebürokette (FCTG) aufgelegt. Die Registrierung ist aber offen. Bei der Promo erhält man nach der ersten Nacht eine Gutschrift für Statusnächte. (Danke:

Die Bedingungen:

„To access the detailed T&C document, click here
1. General conditions relating to the Offer „Fast Track for FCTG clients“
To the extent that membership of the Programme is mandatory, the ALL – Accor Live Limitless general conditions apply to the Offer. To benefit from the Offer in ACCOR hotels, the Member must:
– Register for the Offer between August 1, 2020 and Dec, 31, 2020,
– Make their reservation between August 1, 2020 and Dec, 31, 2020,
– Make the Eligible Stay between August 1, 2020 and Dec, 31, 2020
2. Benefits granted by the Offer
After signing up to the Offer, Members may, depending on their status, benefit from a Status Nights credit offered after their first Eligible Stay of at least one night in one of the hotels participating in the ALL – Accor Live Limitless loyalty programme in accordance with the following scale: – A Classic Member signing up to the Offer will be credited 5 Status Nights.
– A Silver Member signing up to the Offer will be credited 7 Status Nights.
– A Gold Member signing up to the Offer will be credited 10 Status Nights.
Status levels higher than Gold are not eligible for the Offer.
3. In all communications with Accor call centres or customer services related to this offer, the Member must specify the following reference: 012440.“

[button link=““ color=“silver“ newwindow=“yes“] Take the Fast Track to the next status[/button]

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    1. Ich komm auch auf irgend eine Errorpage, das Anmeldeformular wird zwar kurz angezeigt aber danach direkt Error…

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Eurowings jetzt auch mit Covid-19 Versicherung
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