100% Rabatt als HOTELCREDIT bei ITC Hotels

Gebäude, Stadt, Fenster, Architektur, draußen, Groß, Straße, Hotel

Bei ITC Hotels erhält man einen Hotelcredit von 100% der gebuchten Rate …

Gebäude, Stadt, Fenster, Architektur, draußen, Groß, Straße, Hotel

Die indische Hotelmarke ITC hat eine relativ coole Promotion gestartet. Man erhält 100% der Hotelkosten (die hohen indischen Luxussteuern abgezogen) als Hotelcredit. (Danke: Cariverga.com) Leider muss der Stay bis 31.03.2021 passiert sein.

Viele der ITC Hotels sind bei Marriott Bonvoy. Bucht man jedoch direkt über ITC wird es höchstwahrscheinlich keine Marriott Bonvoy Punkte und Benefits geben.

Die Kurzbeschreibung:

„We’ll match your spend and double your joy! Book a stay with us and receive the full amount as hotel credits that can be instantly redeemed during your stay, towards exquisite experiences including delectable F&B, relaxing spa treatments & more.“

Die Bedingungen:

„Rate inclusions:
Rates are inclusive of accommodation and hotel credits equivalent to booking amount (excluding taxes). All extra services & amenities not part of this offer will be on an additional charge.
Deposit Policy:
A deposit amount as per hotel’s standard deposit policy will be charged at the time of making a reservation. Applicable taxes would also be collected as a deposit in addition to the room amount.
Modification of booking:
Any amendment in personal details like name, contact details can be made on the website. For amendment in stay details like check-in and check-out date, rate plan etc. kindly write to: reservations@itchotels.in. Such requests will be accommodated only at the sole discretion of ITC Limited to the extent possible or available.
Cancellation Policy:
Hotel’s standard cancellation policy will be applicable. Retention would be charged as per the hotel policy.
Applicable Taxes:
Taxes extra as applicable
Terms of stay:
Minimum length of stay for the offer is 1 night. The offer is applicable at participating hotels and is valid for bookings and stay till 31st March 2021.“

[button link=“https://www.itchotels.in/offers/100-percent-back.html“ color=“silver“ newwindow=“yes“] 100% Back[/button]

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