Brasilien führt Covid-19 Test vor Anreise ein …
Brasilien hat sich im Frühjahr sehr rasch geöffnet und war ohne Problem für ein halbes Jahr weitgehend ohne Covid-19 Einreisebeschränkungen bereisbar. Mit Anfang 2021 wird sich das ändern. Ab 30.12. verlangt Brasilien einen Covid-19 Test.
Die Infos der US Botschaft:
„The entry of foreign visitors traveling by air for a short stay of up to 90 days is currently permitted but beginning December 30, all travelers to Brazil by air (Brazilians and foreigners) must present the following to the airline before boarding:
1) Negative COVID-19 test: specifically, a document from a laboratory test (RT-PCR) for screening for infection by SARS-CoV-2, with a negative/non-reactive result, performed within 72 hours prior to the moment of boarding; and;
2) Traveler’s Health Declaration (DSV): filled out (in print or digitally) agreeing to sanitary measures that must be complied with during the traveler’s time in Brazil. Note: the Brazilian government has not issued the specifics of this document yet but it is understood that the form will be distributed prior to boarding the airplane to Brazil.“
Die US Botschaft in Brasilien informiert: Event: New Travel Requirements for Air Travelers to Brazil and Extension of Brazil Travel Restrictions on Land and Sea Borders
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