Europäische Luftfahrtbehörde erklärt 737 MAX als sicher

Wolke, Wolken, draußen, Cumulus, Natur, Tageszeit, Wolkig, Himmel

Die 737 MAX wird nun offiziell von der Europäischen Luftfahrtbehörde als sicher eingestuft …

Wolke, Wolken, draußen, Cumulus, Natur, Tageszeit, Wolkig, Himmel

Im November hat man in der EU eine Aufhebung des Groundings der 737 MAX angekündigt: 737 MAX in Europa bald wieder in der Luft

Nachdem die 737 MAX seit 2019 am Boden sind, wird nun offiziell das Flugzeug von der Europäischen Luftfahrtbehörde als wieder tauglich angesehen.

Die Infos:

„The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) gave its seal of approval for the return to service of a modified version of the Boeing 737 MAX, mandating a package of software upgrades, electrical working rework, maintenance checks, operations manual updates and crew training which will allow the plane to fly safely in European skies after almost two years on the ground.
“We have reached a significant milestone on a long road,” said EASA Executive Director Patrick Ky. “Following extensive analysis by EASA, we have determined that the 737 MAX can safely return to service. This assessment was carried out in full independence of Boeing or the Federal Aviation Administration and without any economic or political pressure – we asked difficult questions until we got answers and pushed for solutions which satisfied our exacting safety requirements. We carried out our own flight tests and simulator sessions and did not rely on others to do this for us.

The Boeing 737 MAX was grounded worldwide in March 2019 following the second of two accidents within just six months, which together claimed 346 lives. The root cause of these tragic accidents was traced to software known as the MCAS (Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System), intended to make the plane easier to handle. However, the MCAS, guided by only one Angle of Attack (AoA) sensor, kicked in repeatedly if that sensor malfunctioned, pushing the nose of the aircraft downward multiple times. In both accidents, pilots finally lost control of their plane, resulting in a crash with total loss of aircraft.“

Zur Pressemitteilung: EASA declares Boeing 737 MAX safe to return to service in Europe

Wer sich nicht sicher ist, sollte auf alle Fälle Ryanair vermeiden. Da werden die 737 MAX bald das Rückgrat darstellen: Ryanair fliegt bald mit 210 737 MAX

Schau doch mal in der größten deutschsprachigen Gruppe für Vielreisende vorbei: Vielflieger Lounge – Tipps & Tricks für Vielflieger

Kommentare 1
  1. Was für ein verbittertes armes Würschen….Hetzen,nörgeln und nur schwachsinn posten,der rein gar nicht zum Thema beträgt! Einfach nur peinlich!

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