UK: Hotelquarantäne bei Einreise und Ausreisebeschränkungen

Himmel, draußen, Luftfotografie, Vogelperspektive, Wolke, Nebel, Horizont, Luftbild, Sonnenuntergang, Flug

UK Einreisen sind jetzt teilweise mit Hotelquarantäne und für eine Ausreise benötigt man Gründe …

Himmel, draußen, Luftfotografie, Vogelperspektive, Wolke, Nebel, Horizont, Luftbild, Sonnenuntergang, Flug

UK verschärft die Reisebestimmungen. Bei Einreisen der Bürger aus Ländern mit Reisebeschränkung muss eine Hotelquarantäne angetreten werden. Ausreisen ohne triftige (erlaubte) Gründe werden untersagt.

Die Infos:

“The government has announced further action for outbound and inbound passengers to minimise travel across international borders and reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission.
While the focus is on protecting the UK’s world-leading vaccination programme, this action will reduce the risk of a new variant of the virus being transmitted from someone coming into the UK.
The measures announced today include:
For those wishing to travel out of the UK
Declaring reason for travel: anyone who does not have a valid reason for travel will be directed to return home and may face a fine. The reason for travel will be checked.
Increased police enforcement: there will be an increased police presence at ports and airports, fining those in breach of the stay at home regulations. Anyone without valid reason for travel will be directed to return home and may face a fine.
Reviewing travel exemptions: the list of travel exemptions will be urgently reviewed so that only the most important and exceptional reasons are included.
For those seeking to enter the UK
Managed isolation in hotels: this will be for those arriving from countries where we have imposed international travel bans and who cannot be refused entry. They will be required to isolate for ten days without exception and more details will be provided in due course.
Police checks: police are carrying out more physical checks at addresses to make sure people are self-isolating.”

Zur Info Page: Tougher border controls to protect public health

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