Das ist die neue Marriott Bonvoy Herbst Promo

Himmel, draußen, Gebäude, Wolke, Schild, Straße, Groß, Stadt, Laden

Die neue Marriott Bonvoy Herbst Promo ist da …

Himmel, draußen, Gebäude, Wolke, Schild, Straße, Groß, Stadt, Laden

Marriott Bonvoy hat die neue große Promo bis Mitte Dezember vorgestellt. Für jeden Stay gibt es leider nur 1.500 Marriott Bonvoy Bonuspunkte.

Die Infos:

„Earn 1,500 bonus points on each stay,* plus 3,000 more points on stays at All-Inclusive by Marriott Bonvoy™ resorts.
Register now, then earn on stays from September 14 through December 12, 2021. Registration ends November 28, 2021.
Get 1,500 bonus points on each stay, starting with your first stay. Plus, earn 3,000 more points on All-Inclusive by Marriott Bonvoy stays — all with no earning limits.“

Die Bedingungen:

„Registration of your Marriott Bonvoy™ account is required. Marriott Bonvoy members who register for this promotion by November 28, 2021, will earn 1,500 bonus points per eligible paid stay, plus 3,000 additional points per eligible paid stay at All-Inclusive by Marriott Bonvoy resorts, during the promotion earning period. The promotion earning period is for stays between September 14, 2021, and December 12, 2021, at participating Marriott Bonvoy properties. Only stays made after registration will qualify toward the promotion. A “stay” is defined as consecutive nights spent at the same hotel, regardless of check-in/checkout activity on any points-eligible rate (“Qualifying Rate”). Award redemption stays where points are redeemed for the entire stay are not eligible for the promotion. Rates available through most third-party online retailers and select travel agency rates do not qualify for this promotion. Homes & Villas by Marriott International, Marriott Executive Apartments®, and Marriott Vacation Club® owner-occupied weeks are not eligible for bonus points, and nights spent while redeeming an award are not eligible for bonus points. Only one room per hotel is counted toward a member’s nights or stay. Bonuses of 1,500 points per stay will be awarded to the member’s account within 7 business days after checkout. Bonuses of 3,000 points for stays at All-Inclusive resorts will be awarded to the member’s account up to 6 weeks after the promotion ends. A member who elects to earn miles is not eligible for this promotion. For a list of current participating hotels, visit www.marriott.com/loyalty/earn/hotels.mi. All Marriott Bonvoy terms and conditions apply. See www.marriott.com/loyalty/terms/default.mi for more information. Visit http://marriottbonvoy.com/embracemore or call 888-MARRIOTT (888-627-7468) for complete details.““

Zur Promo Page: Earn 1,500 bonus points on each stay and more

In unseren Facebook Gruppen und Seiten mit über 80.000 Mitgliedern findet ein ständiger Austausch statt! – Vielflieger Lounge (8.500 Mitglieder) – Hilton Honors Community (15.000 Mitglieder) – Marriott Bonvoy Community (17.500 Mitglieder) – USA Reisen (11.000 Mitglieder) – IHG Rewards Lounge (1.300 Mitglieder) – World of Hyatt Lounge (800 Mitglieder) – Oneworld Frequent Flyer (1.250 Mitglieder) – American Express Platinum Karteninhaber (3.100 Mitglieder) – Miles and More Tipps&Tricks für Meilensammler (1.500 Mitglieder) – TheYHBU auf Facebook (19.000 Abonnenten)

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