JFK baut um: Neuer internationaler Terminal und Terminal 4, 6, 8

draußen, Luftbild, Luftfotografie, Himmel, Vogelperspektive, Wolke, Wasser, Flughafen, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Runway, Flug, Sonnenaufgang, Flugzeug

New York JFK Airport wird mächtig umgebaut …

draußen, Luftbild, Luftfotografie, Himmel, Vogelperspektive, Wolke, Wasser, Flughafen, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Runway, Flug, Sonnenaufgang, Flugzeug

Der riesige New York JFK Airport hat ein ganz schönes Erneuerungsprojekt laufen. Man baut einen neuen internationalen Terminal, dann bekommt Delta den neuen Terminal 4, American und British Airways den gemeinsamen Terminal 8 und Jet Blue den frischen Terminal 6.

Neuer internationaler Terminal

Die Infos:

„The New Terminal One will ultimately have 23 new gates, as well as bright and airy check-in halls and arrival spaces designed to enhance the customer experience and compete with some of the highest-rated airport terminals in the world. Customers will enjoy world-class, New York-inspired dining and retail amenities, as well as space for lounges, an indoor green space and family-friendly amenities.The New Terminal One will incorporate the latest advances in both sustainability and security and be infused a with uniquely New York sense of place.

The passenger facilities at The New Terminal One will feature significantly larger check-in, security and concessions areas with high ceilings, natural light and modern architecture coupled with interior green space, exhibits and art featuring iconic New York landmarks and local artists. World-class retail, restaurants and bars will include locally inspired restaurateurs, craft beverage options and Taste NY stores. Free, high-speed Wi-Fi and an abundance of charging stations throughout the terminal will enable passengers to stay connected at each step of their journey.
State-of-the-art technology will further improve the customer experience and security in the new terminal including elements such as touchless passenger journey, digital passenger flow and queue management, TSA security lanes featuring the latest technology, advanced video search analytics, biometric-based systems and a flexible design to accommodate future technology and/or regulatory changes.
Sustainability enhancements will include the use of renewable energy technologies such as a solar hot water, aircraft de-icing and fluid recovery, and the conversion of diesel ground service equipment to electric-powered ground service fleet across the airport – such as baggage tractors and belt loaders.
Plans for The New Terminal One build on the momentum of the other three major components of the airport’s transformation. The $3.9 billion development of a state-of-the-art new Terminal 6, to be built by JFK Millennium Partners, on the airport’s north side that will seamlessly connect with JetBlue’s existing Terminal 5 was approved by the Port Authority Board of Commissioners in August. The $1.5 billion expansion of Terminal 4, led by Delta and JFK International Air Terminal, was approved in the spring and will begin construction in the immediate future. Additionally, work began in December 2019 on the $425 million expansion of JFK’s Terminal 8, led by American Airlines, which operates the terminal, and British Airways, which will be relocating to Terminal 8 from Terminal 7, set to be demolished to make way for the new Terminal 6.“

Zur Pressemitteilung: Governor Hochul Announces Plan to Build World-Class $9.5 Billion International Terminal at JFK Airport

Gebäude, draußen, Menschen Baum, Gebäude, Decke, Menschen, draußen, lila Wolke, draußen, Luftfotografie, Himmel, Wasser, Luftbild, Vogelperspektive, Gebäude, Flughafen Gebäude, Menschen, Person, Empfangshalle, Einkaufszentrum, Decke, Im Haus, Groß, Einkaufen Gebäude, Baum, Pflanze, Gelände, draußen, Menschen, Groß, Kunst, Im Haus, Architektur draußen, Luftbild, Luftfotografie, Himmel, Vogelperspektive, Wolke, Wasser, Flughafen, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Runway, Flug, Sonnenaufgang, Flugzeug

Neuer Terminal 8 für British Airways / American

Die Pressemitteilung:

““Our investment will put the 14 daily flights from JFK to London that we offer in partnership with British Airways in the same terminal and give customers premium check-in space, new joint lounges and a larger variety of retail and dining options,” said Robert Isom, President of American. “We will be adding more than 70,000 square feet to customer and operational spaces to create a truly world-class experience at JFK.”
Additionally, airline team members who power the terminal operations will also benefit from closer, faster and easier connections to American’s joint business partner British Airways by the additional co-located long-haul aircraft gates and an enhanced baggage system.
“As we progress with the JFK modernization project, we are giving Terminal 8 a new look and layout in line with the modern, world-class standards that will define the airport’s ultimate transformation,” Cuomo said. “When this work is completed, Terminal 8 will accommodate more passengers who will be able to enjoy a better travel experience and will make the work of airport staff more efficient and more seamless.”
American and British Airways are the first airlines to mark the start of the transformation of JFK into a state-of-the-art global hub. The upgrades and additions at Terminal 8 will bring improvements in the overall customer experience, including the addition of five widebody gates and four adjacent widebody hard stands (ramp parking where customers are transported to/from terminal via bus), enhanced baggage systems, new lounges, premium check-in space and upgraded concessions and retail options. Additionally, customers arriving in New York will enjoy the ability to more conveniently connect onto other American Airlines flights, and customers departing New York will gain the flexibility of 14 daily flights to London all departing from the same terminal. Construction is scheduled to be completed in 2022.”

Die Pressemitteilung: American Airlines and British Airways Mark the Official Start of the JFK Redevelopment Plan

Flugzeug, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, draußen, Luftfotografie, Fahrzeug, Gebäude, Flughafen, Vogelperspektive, Kreuzung, Verkehrsknotenpunkt, Luftbild, Gelände, Runway

Neuer Terminal 4 für Delta 

Die Infos:

„Governor Kathy Hochul today celebrated a key milestone in the Port Authority’s transformation of John F. Kennedy International Airport with the groundbreaking for a $1.5 billion privately financed expansion and modernization of Terminal 4. Earlier this year, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey reached a revised agreement with Delta Air Lines and JFK International Air Terminal (JFKIAT), the operator of Terminal 4, to expand the facility and to consolidate Delta operations there.

The $1.5 billion Terminal 4 project, which is being financed by private capital, is the second groundbreaking under the JFK Redevelopment Plan. The terminal expansion will create 10 new gates, primarily serving regional and domestic flights, while adding 150,000 square feet to expand the terminal.
This expansion will allow Delta to offer connecting customers a seamless travel experience by consolidating all of its operations into Terminal 4, allowing for more convenient customer transfers Delta currently operates out of both Terminal 4 and Terminal 2. The project will include a new Delta Sky Club in Terminal 4’s Concourse A, as well as expanded seating areas and concessions, modern wayfinding, and new or upgraded restrooms designed with travelers in mind.
In addition, the terminal will undergo a renovation program to improve the customer experience with new check-in counters that will improve capacity and efficiency with state-of-the art technology, installation of new self-service kiosks and self-bag check locations, renovations to restrooms, baggage claim and arrival areas, as well as new retail finishes and public art.
Delta continues to grow at JFK and in New York City at large, where it offers the most flights and seats of any carrier at JFK and LGA with 400 total daily departures to 95 domestic and international destinations. The airline operates more than 160 average daily flights to 68 destinations worldwide from JFK alone. Since 2010, Delta has invested more than $3.5 billion in airport expansion and redevelopment in New York, including earlier projects at JFK and LaGuardia Airport. The airline is also undertaking a $3.9 billion project to consolidate Terminals C and D at LGA, with a state-of-the-art arrivals and departures hall set to open next spring.“


draußen, Himmel, Wolke, Überführung, Straße, Infrastruktur, Gebäude, Stadt, Reise, Brücke, Menschen, Gelände Himmel, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Flugzeug, draußen, Fahrzeug, Flughafen, Wolke, Düsenflugzeug, Flugplatzvorfeld, Flugreise, Runway, Airline, Straße, Verkehrsflugzeug, Luftfahrt, Gelände, Turm, Jet, Asphalt, halten, Sonnenaufgang

Neuer Terminal 6 für Jet Blue

Die Infos:

„The Board of Commissioners of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey today approved a public private-partnership agreement with JFK Millennium Partners – including JetBlue Airways — to build a new $3.9 billion state-of-the-art Terminal 6 at JFK International Airport. The new terminal, which will connect to JetBlue’s Terminal 5, will create an anchor on the north side of the airport. Originally set to break ground in 2020, the project was threatened by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on air travel and the uncertain future of the industry. The restructured deal approved today marks a significant step forward in the plan to transform JFK into a unified 21 century global gateway. All of the $3.9 billion cost to build the new terminal will be privately financed by JMP. This private investment is a testament to the partners’ commitment to the future of JFK and New York.

The passenger facilities at the new Terminal 6 will feature significantly larger waiting areas with high ceilings, natural light and modern architecture coupled with interior green space, exhibits and art featuring iconic New York landmarks and local artists. World-class retail, restaurants and bars will include locally-based restaurateurs, craft beverage options and Taste NY stores. Free, high-speed Wi-Fi and an abundance of charging stations throughout the terminals will enable passengers to stay connected at each step of their journey.
Additional state-of-the-art technology will further improve the customer experience and security in the new terminal and will include elements such as touchless passenger journey, digital systems to streamline the boarding experience and passenger journey throughout the airport, automated TSA security lanes, advanced video search analytics, biometric-based access control systems and a flexible design to accommodate future technology and/or regulatory changes.
Sustainability enhancements will include various carbon emissions reductions through the use of renewable energy technologies such as a solar hot water system, aircraft de-icing and fluid recovery, and electric ground service equipment such as baggage tractors and belt loaders.
The new Terminal 6 will connect to and be seamlessly integrated with the existing T5, including the eventual consolidation of international arrivals facilities. A convenient taxi plaza as well as designated for-hire vehicle pick-up areas with T5. These changes will not only create a world-class experience for the new Terminal 6 passengers but will also substantially reduce traffic congestion on the T5 road frontage.“


draußen, Luftfotografie, Himmel, Luftbild, Vogelperspektive, Wolke, Gebäude, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Gelände, Flughafen, Landschaft draußen, Wolke, Himmel, Infrastruktur, Fahrzeug, Straße, Verkehrsknotenpunkt, Auto, Kreuzung, Überführung, Transportkorridor, Metropolregion, Stadtgebiet, Schnellstraße, Gebäude, Stadt, Brücke, Flughafen

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Airline Programme mit Haushalts- oder Familienaccounts
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