Die Einreise nach Bali ist mit Visa on Arrival für Deutsche wieder möglich …
Seit Februar gibt es theoretisch eine touristische Einreise nach Bali. Mit März werden die sehr strengen Regeln gelockert. Visa on Arrival wird zumindest für meine Leser mit Pass aus Deutschland wieder gestattet. Die Bestimmungen bleiben trotzdem recht unübersichtlich.
Die neuen Regeln:
„1. Pre-departure preparation regarding visas
Before departing to Bali, you need to prepare yourself with the information about the Visa and requirements to enter Indonesia.
Entering with Visa on Arrival
According to the Circular of the Directorate General of the Immigration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights No. IMI-0525.GR.01.01 of 2022, below are the 23 countries subjected to VOA policy effective from 7 March 2022:
Brunei Darussalam
New Zealand
South Korea
The details of rules and regulation for VOA service policy are as follows:
Following this VOA service policy, international travelers with passports originating from the aforementioned countries can apply for VoA for Tourism after arriving only through immigration control at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali.
International travelers must present all requirements for a VOA for Tourism at the immigration counter, namely:
a) A passport valid for at least 6 (six) months;
b) A return ticket or a connecting ticket to continue traveling to another country; and
c) Other documents required under the provisions from the COVID-19 Task Force.
Stay Permits originating from VOA for Tourism are Visitor Stay Permits which are granted for a maximum period of 30 days and can be extended 1 (one) time.
The extension is granted for 30 days and is carried out at the nearest immigration office to the location where the international traveler lives while in Indonesia.
A Visitor Stay Permit from VOA for Tourism cannot be changed into another type of visa/stay permit.
Entering with E-visa
According to the Circular of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Number 12 of 2022 regarding International Travel Health Protocols During the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic and the Circular Letter of the Covid-19 National Task Force Number 13 of 2022 About the Health Protocols of Foreign Travelers for Bali, Batam, and Bintan During The 2019 Coronavirus Disease Pandemic, international travelers can also enter through I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport and Tanjung Benoa Seaport, Bali. Travelers who are not listed among the above 23 countries can travel to Bali by applying e-visa before departure.
2. Arrival protocols
When you have arrived in Bali, there are several measures you need to take before you can continue your trip. According to the Circular Letter of the Covid-19 National Task Force Number 13 of 2022 About the Health Protocols of Foreign Travelers for Bali, Batam, and Bintan During The 2019 Coronavirus Disease Pandemic, as of 8 March 2022, all international travelers, whether they are Indonesian citizens or foreign nationals, should comply with the regulations below.
Comply with the provisions of the health protocol set by the Government;
Have downloaded PeduliLindungi app and filled out the Indonesian e-HAC;
Present the card or certificate (physical or digital) of receiving a complete dose of COVID-19 vaccine which is administered at least 14 (fourteen) days before departure written in English other than the language of the country/region of origin of arrival. The proof should also be verified on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia or e-HAC International Indonesia;
Show negative RT-PCR test results in the country/region of origin which samples are taken within a maximum period of 2 x 24 hours before the departure time and attached at the time of the health examination or Indonesian International e-HAC;
International travelers exclusively visiting Bali, with the exception of international travelers who are domiciled in Bali, are required to show proof of confirmation of booking and payment for tour packages or accommodation, with the following conditions:
– Proof of booking confirmation and payment for accommodation for a minimum of 4 (four) days in Bali for international travelers visiting Bali
International travelers exclusively visiting Bali who are domiciled in Bali are required to show proof of ID Card (KTP);
International travelers exclusively visiting Bali with a status of foreign citizen must meet the following requirements:
a) Show a visit visa or other appropriate entry permit according to the provisions of laws and regulations; and
b) Show proof of ownership of health insurance which includes financing for handling COVID-19 and medical evacuation to a referral hospital with a minimum coverage value equivalent to SGD 20,000 or as determined by the organizer or manager.
Undergo a body temperature check and RT-PCR examination upon arrival at the international travelers entry point;
After RT-PCR sampling upon arrival, the international travelers exclusively visiting Bali may continue with:
a) Inspection of immigration documents and customs documents;
b) Baggage collection and baggage disinfection;
c) Pick up and drop off directly to the hotel, lodging accommodation, or place of residence;
d) Waiting for the results of the RT-PCR examination in hotel rooms, rooms at lodging accommodations, or places of residence; and
e) It is not allowed to leave the hotel room or accommodation room before the RT-PCR test results show a negative result.
International travelers who are domiciled in Bali can wait for the results of the RT-PCR examination at their residence and are not allowed to interact with other people before the results of the RT-PCR examination show negative results;
In the event that the results of the RT-PCR examination upon arrival at the entry point as referred to in number 8 show negative results, then the international travelers exclusively visiting Bali can continue to carry out activities according to tour packages or travel plans that have been determined by implementing health protocols strictly. It is also recommended to carry out independent monitoring of COVID-19 symptoms for 14 days;
In the event that the results of the RT-PCR examination upon arrival at the entry point as referred to in number 8 shows a positive result, then it is followed up with the following provisions:
a) If asymptomatic or experiencing mild symptoms, isolation or treatment is carried out in isolation hotels or centralized isolation facilities set by the government; or
b) If accompanied by moderate or severe symptoms, and/or with uncontrolled comorbidities, isolation or treatment at a COVID-19 referral hospital is carried out;
c) Carry out medical evacuation to the referral hospital in accordance with the procedures established by the destination referral hospital; and
d) The cost of isolation/treatment for foreigners is borne independently, while for Indonesian citizens it is borne by the government.
3. Warm Up Vacation
As mentioned by the Circular Letter of the Covid-19 National Task Force Number 13 of 2022 About the Health Protocols of Foreign Travelers for Bali, Batam, and Bintan During The 2019 Coronavirus Disease Pandemic, as of 8 March 2022 if you’d like to go outside of Bali, you are required to do a Warm Up Vacation by staying on the island for 4 days first.
Below are the details of the rules:
Foreign travelers are required to take another RT-PCR examination on the 3rd day after arriving in Bali.
Foreign travelers can leave the Bali region after getting a negative RT-PCR result as well as staying on the island for 4 days.
Please make sure that you are tested by the affiliated laboratories so that the results will be directly connected to the PeduliLindungi app.
If the test shows a negative result, you can resume your travel itineraries. Meanwhile, if the RT-PCR test shows positive result then you will have to undergo the following procedures:
Treatment in centralized isolation facilities for those who are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms.
Treatment at a referral hospital for those who show moderate symptoms, severe symptoms, or comorbidity.
For Indonesian citizens , the cost of treatment will be borne by the government. As for foreign travelers, the cost of treatment will be borne independently.
Do also visit this page to select various accommodations in Bali that have been granted the CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability) certification.“
Zur Info Page: Latest Travel Regulations to Enter Bali as of 8 March 2022
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Geh bitte-:( alle diese Länder die sich selber abschaffen möchten und glauben OHNE TOURISTEN überleben zu können! mit deren
kranken Einreisebestimmungen wünsche ich alles gute-;)
Bei so einem Sch*** überfliege ich das in 10 Sekunden, lache drüber und wünsche ihnen viel Glück!!
Und das sage ich als jemand, der in Bangkok wohnt, 2x 14 Tage in Quarantäne verbracht hat und 3 x Test & Go seid NOV 2020. Diese ganzen Länder haben den Schuss in den Ofen nicht gehört und sind einfach selbst Schuld.
Was mir dabei sauer aufstößt und mich stinksauer macht ist, dass vor Ort ja alles mehr oder weniger normal ist. Im gleichen Atemzug werden aber geboosterte Touristen mit PCR vor Abflug weiterhin als extremes Risiko angesehen. Unfassbar, dass es diesen Ländern so schwer fällt einfach mal gut sein zu lassen und zu akzeptieren, dass sie endlich mal lockern müssten!
mir tun die indonesier leid. die haben ja eine impfpflicht, genauso wie einige andere vorzeigedemokratien. wegen dieser impfpflicht sinds halt so jetzt mit den einreiseregeln. ohne impfzertifikat darf der indonesier nirgends hin, nichtmal seinen stadtbezirk (in jakarta zb) verlassen. aber, blöd auch für uns, das mit hinfliegen wird kompliziert. allerdings habens das business visa endlich aufgelassen, das war ja die an lächerlichkeit nicht zu überbietende höchstdümmliche maßnahme…