Air Dolomiti bringt Espresso auf die Kurzstrecke …

Italiener lieben ihren Kaffee und betreiben da eine richtige Wissenschaft. Diese Lebenseinstellung zieht auch bei Air Dolomiti ein. Man stattet die Flieger mit Espresso Maschinen aus.
Die Infos:
„Air Dolomiti, the Italian airline of the Lufthansa Group, is revitalising its business class with the installation of espresso coffee machines on board and the proposal of a new ceramics service.
Passengers will thus be able to enjoy all the taste of a real espresso coffee even while flying: Air Dolomiti is the first Italian carrier to offer this exclusive in-flight service!
The coffee machines boast reduced weight, ease of use and optimised energy efficiency to allow the preparation, during flight, of an espresso with a rich, full-bodied flavour that reflects the Italian tradition of good coffee.
Air Dolomiti has chosen Caffè Illy, an industry stand-out, which combines nine different Arabica blends selected from the world’s best coffee harvests.
Espresso coffee will be available to all business class passengers and, for a fee, also to economy class guests.
Offering espresso coffee is just one step on the path to renewing the on-board service. The project, which began last year with the introduction of new seats, is now complete with a modern ceramic service for Business Class: a delicate fusion of the pearly white of porcelain and the lively spirit of the turquoise diamond logo that echoes the colours of the livery.“
Zur Pressemitteilung: With the new Air Dolomiti Business Class Espresso takes flight!
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