Mit der Booster Promotion gutgeschriebene Avios vom letzten Jahr vermehrfachen …

Bei Executive Club gutgeschriebene Avios (kein Kauf oder Transfer) kann man gegen Cash vermehren (kaufen). Preislich ist diese Aktion ganz interessant.
In einer sehr kurzen Promotion lässt euch British Airways Executive Club mit der Booster Promotion noch nicht geboosterte Avios von 2023 vermehren. Die Promo läuft noch bis 13.01. und hat damit ein sehr schnelles Ablaufdatum!

Die Bedingungen:
„This offer is only open to Members of the British Airways Executive Club (Eligible Participants).
The offer is available from 00:01 (GMT) 11 January 2024 to 23:59 (GMT) 13 January 2024 only (the ‘Offer Period’).
During the Offer Period, Participants will be able to boost eligible, previously un-boosted 2023 transactions.
Transactions must have been credited to Member’s British Airways Executive Club account between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2023.
Members will be able to boost up to 500 eligible transactions in a single balance boost. Multiple transactions will be required if in excess of 500 collections are to be boosted.
Avios can only be boosted at Purchase and Gift Avios Application Form.
This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other Purchase Avios offer.
In most cases, boosted Avios will be credited to the Purchaser’s British Airways Executive Club account immediately. However, there may be occasions where there is a delay of up to 3 working days in the Avios being credited to your account.
The Executive Club Terms and Conditions and Conditions of Use apply to this offer and can be found here.
British Airways reserves the right to cancel or amend the terms of this offer.“
Zur Promo Page: Multiply all your unboosted Avios you’ve collected in 2023. Offer ends midnight 13 January
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