1.000 Miles and More Bonusmeilen pro Hyatt Stay

draußen, Wolke, Himmel, Berg, Pflanze, Natur, Stein, Baum, Gebäude, Schutt, Grundgestein, Landschaft, Reise, Gelände, Bereich

Mit Hyatt Aufenthalten zusätzliche Meilen bei Miles and More sammeln …

draußen, Himmel, Wolke, Berg, Natur, Baum, Pflanze, Stein, Schutt, Grundgestein, Gebäude, Landschaft, Reise, Gelände, Bereich

World of Hyatt und Miles and More haben eine ganz nette Promo für Bonusmeilen gestartet. Für Stays in Europa, Afrika und Middle East erhält man nette 1.000 Meilen zusätzlich zu den World of Hyatt Punkten.

Die Infos:

“For a limited time, as a Miles & More member, you can earn 1,000 Miles & More Miles in addition to the World of Hyatt Base Points you receive for qualifying stays at participating Hyatt hotels and resorts.
Register by October 16, 2024 and complete your stay between September 15, 2024 and October 31, 2024 to take advantage of this promotion. See below for terms and conditions.”

Die Bedingungen:

“You must be a World of Hyatt member in good standing, a Miles & More member, and register for the promotion between September 1, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. CT and October 16, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. CT to participate. You must enter your valid Miles & More member number upon registration. If you are not already a World of Hyatt member, to join, visit hyatt.com/join. World of Hyatt members may register for the promotion at hyatt.com/1Kmiles. Only Eligible Stays completed after registration and between September 15, 2024 and October 31, 2024, (“Promotion Period”) will count towards this promotion. Eligible Stays must be completed by October 31, 2024.
1,000 Miles & More Miles: Beginning after registration and during the Promotion Period, you will receive 1,000 Miles & More Miles for every Eligible Stay at participating Hyatt hotels and resorts and participating Mr & Mrs Smith properties in Europe, Africa, and Middle East. Promotion is not valid at hotels that do not participate in World of Hyatt at the time of your stay. For the purpose of this promotion, an “Eligible Stay” is defined as any stay where a member is paying an Eligible Rate or redeems a free night award. For the purposes of this promotion, consecutive nights at the same hotel constitute one stay (even if you check out and check back in). You must choose to earn either World of Hyatt Base Points or Miles & More Miles as your base earning. If you choose to earn World of Hyatt Base Points at check-in, you will receive 1,000 Miles & More Miles in additional to World of Hyatt Base Points earned for the Eligible Stay. If you choose to earn Miles & More Miles at check-in, you will receive 500 Miles & More Miles in addition to the 1,000 Miles & More Miles awarded as part of this promotion during the promotional period. Please allow 6-8 weeks after checkout for additional Miles & More Miles to be posted to your World of Hyatt account. Except as expressly stated, this promotion is not valid with other offers, promotions or discounts and is non-transferable. This offer may be altered or withdrawn at any time for any reason without prior notice. This promotion is subject to the terms and conditions of the World of Hyatt program available at hyatt.com/terms. Hyatt®, World of Hyatt®, and related marks are trademarks of Hyatt International Corporation or its affiliates. ©2024 Hyatt International Corporation. All rights reserved.”


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