Die neue große World of Hyatt Promotion ist da …

World of Hyatt hat die erste große Promo des Jahres 2025 online. Man erhält bis 28.03. doppelte Punkte und bei Hyatt House oder Hyatt Place dreifache Punkte. Registrierung ist bis 10.03. notwendig.
Die Bedingungen:
„You must be a member of World of Hyatt in good standing at time of registration and stay and register for the promotion between January 14, 2025 and March 10, 2025 to participate. To join World of Hyatt and to register for the promotion, visit hyatt.com/bonusjourneys. Only Eligible Stays at participating Hyatt hotels and resorts worldwide, participating Mr & Mrs Smith hotels, and the Venetian Resort completed after registration and between January 27, 2025 and March 28, 2025 (“Promotion Period”) will count towards this promotion. All Eligible Stays must be completed by March 28, 2025.
Double Points Offer:
Beginning on your first Eligible Stay after registration and during the Promotion Period, you will receive double points per Eligible Stay at participating Hyatt hotels and resorts worldwide, participating Mr & Mrs Smith hotels, and the Venetian Resort. This promotion is not valid at Hyatt Place or Hyatt House hotels. For a property to be participating in the promotion, it needs to be participating in World of Hyatt at the time of the member’s reservation and stay. All points awarded under this promotion are Bonus Points. Under this promotion, you will receive five (5) Bonus Points per eligible dollar spent on your Eligible Stay. A maximum of 20,000 Bonus Points may be earned under this promotion. This is in addition to the five (5) Base Points you would earn as your base earning. If a member chooses to earn Bonus Miles, the bonus will be awarded in World of Hyatt Bonus Points. For the purpose of this promotion, an “Eligible Stay” is defined as any stay where a member is paying an Eligible Rate or redeems a free night award. Only the room occupied by the member will count toward this promotion. You must provide your World of Hyatt membership number at the time of booking. Please allow two to three weeks after checkout for Bonus Points to be posted to your World of Hyatt account. Except as expressly stated, this promotion can be combined with other offers, promotions or discounts but is non-transferable. Hyatt reserves the right to alter or withdraw this promotion at any time for any reason without prior notice. This promotion is subject to the terms and conditions of the World of Hyatt program available at hyatt.com/terms. Hyatt®, World of Hyatt®, and related marks are trademarks of Hyatt Corporation or its affiliates. ©2025 Hyatt Corporation. All rights reserved.
Triple Points Hyatt Place and Hyatt House Offer:
Beginning on your first Eligible Stay after registration and during the Promotion Period, you will receive triple points per Eligible Stay at participating Hyatt Place and Hyatt House hotels worldwide. For a property to be participating in the promotion, it needs to be participating in World of Hyatt at the time of the member’s reservation and stay. All points awarded under this promotion are Bonus Points. Under this promotion, you will receive ten (10) Bonus Points per eligible dollar spent on your Eligible Stay. A maximum of 10,000 Bonus Points may be earned under this promotion. This is in addition to the five (5) Base Points you would earn as your base earning. If a member chooses to earn Bonus Miles, the bonus will be awarded in World of Hyatt Bonus Points. For the purpose of this promotion, an “Eligible Stay” is defined as any stay where a member is paying an Eligible Rate or redeems a free night award. Only the room occupied by the member will count toward this promotion. You must provide your World of Hyatt membership number at the time of booking. Please allow two to three weeks after checkout for Bonus Points to be posted to your World of Hyatt account. Except as expressly stated, this promotion can be combined with other offers, promotions or discounts but is non-transferable. Hyatt reserves the right to alter or withdraw this promotion at any time for any reason without prior notice. This promotion is subject to the terms and conditions of the World of Hyatt program available at hyatt.com/terms. Hyatt®, World of Hyatt®, and related marks are trademarks of Hyatt Corporation or its affiliates. ©2025 Hyatt Corporation. All rights reserved.“
Aktueller Kreditkartendeal: Hilton Gold Status und Diamond Fast Track mit Kreditkarte + 10.000 Willkommenspunkte
Mit der Hilton Kreditkarte sofort Gold Status! Reduzierte Bedingungen für den Diamond Status (40 Nächte) und 5 Statusnächte pro 5.000 Euro Umsatz. Dazu sammelt man Hilton Honors Punkte über Kreditkartenumsatz. Reise-, Komfortversicherungen, keine Bargeldabhebungsgebühr und keine Auslandseinsatzgebühr weltweit runden das Angebot ab.
Zur Beantragung: Hilton Honors Kreditkarte mit Gold Status und Fast Track zu Diamond + 10.000 Willkommenspunkte
Nach meinem Verständnis erhält man Punkte für Aufenthalte bis zum 28.03 und nicht, wie oben beschrieben, bis zum 10.03.
Bis zum 10.03 muss die Registrierung erfolgen.
Oder habe ich da was falsch verstanden?
Korrekt ;)
Heute und morgen Check-Outs by Hyatt Place…
Nicht viel aber besser als nichts :)