SALE: 28% Rabatt bei IHG Japan

Im Haus, Mobiliar, Inneneinrichtung, Wand, Boden, Tisch, Couch, Kaffeetisch, Zimmer, Bude, Hotel, Fenster, Studiocouch, Fußboden, Kissen, Lampenschirm, Bettsofa, Haus, Wohnzimmer, Armlehne, Fensterabdeckung, Kleines Sofa, Clubsessel, Fensterausstattung, Penthouse, Möbel, Lampe, Stuhl, Decke, Wohnung

IHG bietet uns gerade einen 28% Rabatt in Japan …

Im Haus, Mobiliar, Inneneinrichtung, Wand, Boden, Tisch, Couch, Kaffeetisch, Zimmer, Bude, Hotel, Fenster, Studiocouch, Fußboden, Kissen, Lampenschirm, Bettsofa, Haus, Wohnzimmer, Armlehne, Fensterabdeckung, Kleines Sofa, Clubsessel, Fensterausstattung, Penthouse, Möbel, Lampe, Stuhl, Decke, Wohnung

Derzeit bekommt man in den japanischen IHG Hotels bis zu 28% Rabatt. Ist doch ganz nice.

“Book between April 18 and May 15, 2018
For stays between May 6 to June 30, 2018”

Die Bedingungen:

“Rates are per room, per night and are subject to availability. You must be an IHG®Rewards Club member to qualify for the discount, which is up to 28% off the Best Flexible Rate. Advance purchase is required. All Advance Purchase reservations are final and require full payment for the entire stay at time of booking. Tax and service charges apply. Final bill will be presented in local currency. Full prepayment is required at time of booking, cannot be amended and is non-refundable. Credit card surcharges apply. Blackout dates apply. Rates only applicable to participating hotels in Japan. Hotel policy varies in regards to the number of guests allowed per room. Please check with the hotel directly should you require further clarification. Offer is not valid to groups of 10 or more rooms and cannot be combined with any other special offer, including but not limited to InterContinental Ambassador’s complimentary weekend night certificate. At Holiday Inn, Kids 12 years and under stay for free sharing parent’s guest room in existing bedding and eat free from the all-day dining restaurant with an accompanying paying adult guest. Rates qualify for IHG® Rewards Club Points. Standard IHG® Rewards Club programme terms and conditions apply. Visit for details. Other terms and conditions apply.”

Zur Sale Page: The Best Time to Getaway

Die japanischen IHG Hotels sind schon ganz nett. Gerade das IC Osaka sticht absolut hervor:
Review: Tokyo Bay Intercontinental
Review: Osaka Intercontinental
Review: Yokohama Grand Intercontinental

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80% BONUS: 180000 IHG Punkte: 810 Euro

80% BONUS: 180000 IHG Punkte: 810 Euro

IHG verkauft gerade Punkte mit 80% Bonus und hat das Kauflimit erhöht

35% RABATT: 30000 SPG Punkte: 552 Euro

35% RABATT: 30000 SPG Punkte: 552 Euro

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