ITALIENISCHE Tickets haben keine NO-SHOW REGEL!!!

draußen, Himmel, Haus, Fenster, Stadt, Baum, Turm, Gebäude, Sonnenuntergang, Sonne, Sonnenaufgang, Landschaft, Reise, Stadtlandschaft

Bei den italienischen Flugtickets gibt es ein kleines Schlupfloch …

draußen, Himmel, Haus, Fenster, Stadt, Baum, Turm, Gebäude, Sonnenuntergang, Sonne, Sonnenaufgang, Landschaft, Reise, Stadtlandschaft

Ein Ticket muss normalerweise in der gebuchten Reihenfolge abgeflogen werden. Beim Rückflug könnte man vor dem letzten Segment aussteigen. Keiner kann zum Flugantritt gezwungen werden. Theoretisch könnte es hier zu einer Nachberechnung des Flugpreises kommen. In Deutschland läuft gerade ein Rechtsstreit über so einen verfallenen letzten Flug. Lufthansa möchte von einem Kunden den Aufpreis für die teurere eigentlich geflogene Strecke: Letzten Flug verfallen lassen? Lufthansa geht in Berufung!

Nicht geht eigentlich in eine Reise erst irgendwann einzusteigen. D. h. erste Flüge verfallen zu lassen. Das führt normalerweise zu einem Storno der Tickets. In Italien tobt seit einiger Zeit ein Streit um Verbraucherrechte bei den No-Show Regeln. In Italien sieht die Rechtssprechung das als eine Diskriminierung der Verbraucher. Für in Italien ausgestellte Tickets gilt: No-show ist kein Grund das volle Ticket zu stornieren.

Über den Stand der Verbraucherrechte zum Thema No-Show in Italien:

“The Italian Authority accepted the commitments submitted by Emirates, Iberia and KLM to adequately inform consumers about the existence of this rule and its implementation methods and to set a procedure to enable them to board on subsequent flights free of charge, if they had promptly notified the company of their intentions. In detail these airlines agreed to accept the return ticket (and for multiple-segment trips, tickets of the following routes) sold in Italy if passengers notice within 24 hours of departure (2 hours in case of round trip within the same day) of their intention to use the return ticket (and any subsequent coupons). With reference to pre-contractual information, these three airlines committed to inform about the existence of the no-show rule and this specific application rule for tickets purchased in Italy both the individual consumer during the booking process and on the website via the FAQ and a specific change of the General Terms and Conditions of Transport available there.
In contrast, British Airways and Etihad Airways did not agree on modifying their communication practices and the no-show-rule application as contested in the proceeding. Both will have to communicate, anyway, the measures adopted to comply with the Authority injunction.”

Quelle: Fines to British Airways and Etihad Airways

Einige Airlines sind dieser italienischen Rechtsauffassung nachgekommen und haben ihre Bedingungen für in Italien ausgestellte Tickets angepasst. Einige Airlines haben das getan, aber nicht alle Airlines. hat ein paar Disclaimer der Airlines zusammengesucht. Hier die vollen Hinweistexte:


“Only in case the ticket has been bought in Italy (via, OS ticket counter, OS call center or at a travel agency in Italy) the following exception is appicable:
The passenger, who has missed his outbound flight or could not take it for any reason, but would like to take the inbound flight as originally booked (without surcharge), has to inform Austrian within 24 hours starting from the time of departure of first outbound flight segment calling exclusively 02-89634296* or using the contact form which can be found on our homepage Austrian Airlines – Contacts. Otherwise we could request a surcharge for transport (balance to the tariff applicable).
*Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 20:00. Saturday from 9:00 to 16:30.
Local call rates apply from Italy (landline), with no further charges. Calls from mobile phones are charged according to call provider rates.”

Quelle: Did you miss your flight?


“3.1.7 (2) An exception to (1) is made for bookings via Italian booking platforms ( as well as EW ticket counters, EW call centers or travel agencies in Italy). The price will not be adjusted for these bookings if you inform us of changes to your travel plans at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time for the leg(s) not traveled. You may inform us of these changes via the service hotline or in writing, such as with our contact form.”

Quelle: General Conditions of Carriage – Legal information – Eurowings (PDF)


“What is a no show?
A no-show is someone who has not shown up for a flight for any reason.
For example, if you arrived too late or didn’t use the ticket.
Who does this apply to?
This no ‘show’ policy is only applicable to passengers holding tickets issued in Italy, no matter their point of origin.
What should I do if I am a ‘no-show’?
Call this number +39 0291483383 (Italian local number, not subject to surcharges) or send an email to
When should I inform Emirates that I have missed my flight and am a ‘no-show’?
You must tell us within 24 hours from the time of the departure of the missed flight.
Also, you need to call two hours before your next flight, even if it is within 24 hours from the first flight.
Can I take the *next flight, or the return flight that I originally booked, without paying additional fees?
You will not be charged additional fees if you inform us within 24 hours from the time of the departure of the missed flight.
Otherwise, we may have to charge the difference of the original fare and the highest fare in the same class at the time of reissue, subject to seat availability.
*‘Next flight’ means 12 hours (or more) after the arrival of the unused flight, due to ‘no show’.”

Quelle: Emirates No Show


“However, only in case of tickets sold in Italy, if the first leg of the flight (or a segment of it) is not used for any reason, the request to hold the validity of the Ticket for the return flight, can be accepted only if previously communicated to Alitalia’s Contact Center:
within the 24 hours following the departure of the unused flight;
if the departure time of the return flight falls within the 24 hours from the first flight, at least 2 hours before the departure time of the return flight.
The Contact Center will issue a new electronic Ticket for the modified itinerary and the check-in shall be performed on the Alitalia’s website (if available) or at the airport.”



“For tickets purchased in Italy: in the event of non-use, for any reason, of the outward flight (or of a leg of the outward flight , or a leg of the return flight), the request to maintain the validity of the ticket for the next leg or the subsequent segments may be solely accepted if previously communicated to Qatar Airways by contacting the Contact Center at the following phone number +39 02 6797 6000 between (09:00am to 06:00pm from Monday to Saturday and 10:00am to 06:00pm on Sunday. Wroclaw-Poland local time) or email: which will be followed by a confirmation of receipt, within the time as specified here below:
Within 24 hours from the scheduled departure time of the flight on which the no-show occurred;
In the event the departure time of the subsequent flight is within 24 hours of the flight on which the no-show occurred, the communication to the Contact Center must be received at least 2 hours before the departure of such subsequent flight.
The Contact Center will issue a new electronic ticket for the modified itinerary, for which it will be necessary to fulfill the check-in operations on the site (if available) or at the airport.
If the passenger fails to make such communication, or makes it after the set time limits, Qatar Airways, in case there is availability of seats in the subsequent leg/successive segments, will be entitled to request the payment of an amount equal to the difference between the price paid for the previously purchased ticket and the price corresponding to the highest fare available in the same class/ journey compartment, applicable to the modified itinerary at the time of the re-issue of the air ticket.”

Quelle: Italian regulations requirements


“Exception for tickets bought in Italy
Passengers holding a Lufthansa ticket issued in Italy (via, LH ticket counter, LH call center or at a travel agency) may use the
original booked return flight, out of sequence without recalculation and extra payment, even if the outbound section has not been used.
In this case, please call the Lufthansa Customer Relations team latest 24 hours after the planned first ticketed flight segment.
Phone number: 0899 198 000**Local calls rates apply, with no further charges. Between 22.00 and 08.30 customer support is provided
only in English or German.”

Quelle: Italienische Lufthansa Buchungsseite (Disclaimer nach Auswahl der Flüge)

Ganz wichtig: Das Ticket muss in Italien ausgestellt sein. Nicht alle Airlines halten sich an diese Rechtsansicht.

Schau doch mal in der Boardingarea DE Facebook Gruppe vorbei: Vielflieger Lounge – Tipps & Tricks für Vielflieger

Kommentare 11
  1. Ich finde das gar nicht gut. Wenn sich die italienische Rechtsprechung durchsetzt, bieten die Fluggesellschaften die günstigen Umsteigetickets halt nicht mehr an. Warum sollten sie sich durch die Hintertür die hohen Preise für Direktflüge zerstören lassen? Besser diese Resterampe fallen zu lassen, als alle Tickets zu verramschen.

    1. Für uns ist es halt derzeit interessant. Eines ist gewiss, es kommt immer was nach. Immer.

  2. “The passenger, who has missed his outbound flight or could not take it for any reason, but would like to take the inbound flight as originally booked (without surcharge),”
    Bezieht sich die Formulierung “missed his outbound flight” (bei einem retourn-Flug) auf die gesamte Flugstrecke z.B. Rom – Wien – NewYork oder kann die Formulierung lediglich auf die erste Teilstrecke Rom – Wien angewendet werden? Defacto würde dann unter der Formulierung “outbound flight” der Streckenabschnitt Wien – NewYork nicht mehr fallen. Entspricht diese Sichtweise den Tatsachen?

    1. Und da merken wir schon, wo es schwierig wird. Da gibt es ein paar so Stolperfallen.

      Ich wollte es nur bringen. FYI. Ich kenne aber 0 Erfahrungsberichte.

    2. Man sollte eine Frage eigentlich nicht mit einer Frage beantworten, aber hier passt es irgendwie:
      Wenn VIE-NYC nicht outbound ist, was soll es denn dann sein?
      Inbound, wohl kaum!? NYC ist das Ziel = point of return.

  3. Das ist wirklich sehr interessant, ich hatte das auch gerade recherchiert, weil ich es erst gar nicht glauben wollte. Allerdings formuliert die Lufthansa das doch noch etwas nebulös. Die Frage stellt sich bei einen Flug MXP-FRA-LAX-FRA-MXP wie folgt: wenn ich den Teil MXP-FRA telefonisch storniere (No-Show reicht nicht), bleibt dann FRA-LAX auch bestehen? Das italienische Gericht sagt ausdrücklich ja:

    Weiter wäre es natürlich auch gut zu wissen, wie das in LAX beim Rückflug abläuft, wenn ich das letzte Leg skippen will und meinen Koffer in FRA wiederhaben möchte. Muss ich dann auch vorher anrufen und diese Strecke streichen lassen?

    1. Und da wird die Story schwierig. Manche Airlines halten sich z. B. überhaupt nicht an die Regel und warten auf Klagen.

      Ich kenne leider keine Erfahrungswerte.

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