CORONAVIRUS: Malta Airport schließt

Gebäude, draußen, Nacht, Himmel, Haus, Licht, Stadt

Am Malta Airport geht bald nichts mehr …

Gebäude, draußen, Nacht, Himmel, Haus, Licht, Stadt

Malta wird den Luftraum und damit den Airport für den Passagierbetrieb sperren.

“Mar 18, 2020 – 8:41
With the authorities having announced the closure of the Maltese airspace as of 20 March 2020 23:59, Malta International Airport would like to appeal to passengers who were planning on travelling in the coming days to contact their respective airlines for more information about their flights. Airline contact details may be found at this link here:
As of 21 March 2020, Malta International Airport will remain operational to facilitate the arrival and departure of cargo, humanitarian, and ferry flights until further notice.
The Company would like to remind people to refrain from visiting the airport unless they are travelling in order to limit crowding and allow for social distancing to be observed, and help the Company in its efforts to safeguard the well-being of travelling guests and airport employees, which remains its priority.”

Hier mehr: SUSPENSION OF FLIGHTS FROM 21.03.2020

Ich darf auf die Reisewarnung des Auswärtigen Amtes verweisen: AUSWÄRTIGES AMT: Vor nicht-notwendigen Reisen wird gewarnt!

Ich darf auf die noch dringlichere Reisewarnung des Österreichischen Außenministeriums verweisen: Ö Außenministerium: Reisende sollen baldigst Heimreise antreten!

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