Singapur lässt Reisende aus Taiwan ins Land … ohne Quarantäne

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Aus Taiwan darf man ohne Quarantäne nach Singapur …

draußen, Hochhaus, Himmel, Metropolregion, Gebäude, Wolkenkratzer, Stadtgebiet, Metropole, Gewerbegebäude, Baum, Wohnungseigentum, Turm, Stadtzentrum, Stadtlandschaft, Stadt

Singapur will schon seit einiger Zeit mit Ländern mit guten Covid-19 Zahlen eine Travel Bubble errichten. Zunächst war das für Hong Kong vorgesehen (Verschärfungen bei der Singapur – Hong Kong Travel Bubble). Aufgrund steigender Infektionen hat man den Plan auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben.

Mit Taiwan schaut es schon besser aus. Taiwan hat enorm gute Covid-19 Zahlen und liegt im einstelligen Bereich. Wer ab 18.12. nach Singapur möchte, darf das unter Auflagen dann gerne tun. Bei Einreise muss ein Covid-19 Test durchgeführt werden. Contact Tracing App und Medizinische Versicherung sind verpflichtend.

Die Infos:

„From 18 December 2020, 0000 hours, Singapore will lift our border restrictions for visitors[1] from Taiwan.
Taiwan has a comprehensive public health surveillance system and has displayed successful control over the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Over the past 28 days, Taiwan has zero local COVID-19 cases. The risk of importation from Taiwan is low.
With immediate effect, visitors travelling from Taiwan can apply for an Air Travel Pass (ATP) for entry into Singapore on or after 18 December 2020[2]. Applicants must have remained in Taiwan in the last 14 consecutive days prior to their entry. They will undergo a COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test upon arrival at the airport. If the result is negative, they will be allowed to go about their activities in Singapore, without a need to serve a Stay-Home Notice (SHN).
We will also update the travel advisory ( to allow travel to Taiwan. Travellers are advised to check the entry requirements imposed by Taiwan and take the necessary precautionary measures.
From 18 December 2020, 0000 hours (Singapore time), Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and Long-Term Pass holders returning from Taiwan will similarly undergo a COVID-19 PCR test upon arrival. This is in lieu of a 7-day SHN with a COVID-19 PCR test before the end of the SHN period. If the result is negative, they will be allowed to go about their activities in Singapore.
This latest initiative follows the earlier lifting of border restrictions for visitors from Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Mainland China, New Zealand and Vietnam. As at 10 December 2020, 2359 hours, we have approved 9,284 applications for visitors from these places, and received 4,050 visitors. As at 9 December, 2359 hours, all visitors who have arrived in Singapore under the ATP have tested negative for COVID-19.
Requirements for Visitors Entering Under the Air Travel Pass
To protect public health in Singapore, ATP applicants must comply with the following conditions of travel:
Travel History – They must have spent the last 14 consecutive days in Taiwan before departing for Singapore. All visitors must travel to Singapore on direct flights without transit.
On-Arrival COVID-19 Testing – Upon arrival in Singapore, visitors must undergo a COVID-19 PCR test at the airport. The test results will be out within 48 hours, and typically within 12 hours. After taking the COVID-19 PCR test, visitors are to take private transportation, taxi, or private hire car from the airport to their declared place of accommodation[3]. They must remain isolated at the accommodation until the test result is confirmed to be negative. Checks will be made to ensure that this is adhered to. After being notified of their negative test results, visitors will be allowed to go about their activities in Singapore.
Contact Tracing – To facilitate the contact tracing process, visitors must download and register for the TraceTogether app[4] on their mobile devices prior to departing for Singapore, keep it activated during their stay here, and not delete it for 14 consecutive days after leaving Singapore. Should they subsequently test positive for COVID-19 within 14 days after leaving Singapore, they will be required to upload data in the app upon request by the Singapore Ministry of Health.
Medical Costs – Visitors must be responsible for their medical bills related to COVID-19 while in Singapore. This includes costs related to tests and isolation imposed on visitors for public health reasons should they be suspected of being infected with COVID-19, as well as medical treatment for COVID-19. Visitors can apply for the single-entry ATP, at no charge, between seven and thirty calendar days prior to their intended date of entry into Singapore. More details on the conditions of the ATP, application requirements and process, and Frequently Asked Questions can be found at“

Zur Pressemitteilung: Singapore To Welcome Visitors From Taiwan From 18 December 2020

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Kommentare 3
    1. Ja, die sind meine Helden. Die waren von Sars damals hart getroffen, haben sich aber sehr gut vorbereitet. In Europa will man halt alles selbst erfinden und schaut sich deren Best Practice nicht an.

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