UK stellt Pläne für das ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization) vor …

Ende 2024 wird sich unsere Einreise in UK verändern. Ende 2023 führt man die Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) ein. Ende 2024 will man die dann auch für Reisende aus Europa verpflichtend machen.
Die Infos:
„Visitors from the Gulf Cooperation Council states, and Jordan, will be the first to benefit from the UK’s new Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) scheme, ahead of a worldwide expansion of the scheme throughout 2024. Qatari visitors will be the first to be able to apply for an ETA in October 2023.
By applying for an ETA in advance, visitors will benefit from smooth and efficient travel. The application process will be quick, light touch and entirely digital with most visitors applying via a mobile app and receiving a swift decision on their application. The cost of an ETA will be in line with similar international schemes, and individuals can make multiple visits to the UK over a 2-year validity period.
After the initial launch for Qatar, visitors from the rest of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states and Jordan can apply for an ETA from February 2024. The new scheme will entirely replace the current Electronic Visa Waiver (EVW) Scheme which requires visitors to the UK from GCC states to pay a higher cost for a single-use visit.
By the end of 2024, ETAs will be a requirement worldwide for visitors who do not need a visa for short stays, including those visiting from Europe. Visitors from Europe, and other nations such as America and Australia do not currently need to make any form of application to visit to the UK, however this will be changing with the introduction of ETAs.“
Zur Pressemitteilung: UK unveils plans for travel scheme to bolster the border
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