Griechenland hat die Einreise verschärft und verlangt ein Passenger Locator Form (PLF) 48 Stunden vor Anreise …
Wer in der nächsten Zeit eine Reise nach Griechenland geplant hat, muss ein wenig aufpassen.
Man muss mal den richtigen Abflugairport wählen: Griechenland erlaubt Reisen ab 15.06. … aber passt auf den Abflugairport auf!
In Thessaloniki gibt es verpflichtend den Covid-19 Test: UPDATE: Verpflichtende Covid-19 Tests und Selbstquarantäne bei Flügen nach Thessaloniki!
Hier noch die Info Page Griechenlands: Greece welcomes the world
Nun gibt es eine neue Vorschrift. Bis 48 Stunden vor Anreise muss man das Passenger Locator Form (PLF) ausfüllen und dann bei Einreise den QR Code herzeigen:
[button link=““ color=“silver“ newwindow=“yes“] Welcome to Greece![/button]„Beginning July 1, 2020, the Greek government has determined how the country will welcome travellers, carry out the necessary diagnostic screening and keep everyone safe throughout the season.
The Passenger Locator Form (PLF) is a key element in the planning. All travellers are obliged to complete their PLF at least 48 hours before entering the country, providing detailed information on their point of departure, the duration of previous stays in other countries, and the address of your stay while in Greece.
Protocol for passengers arriving by air
Arrival of passengers at the arrival gate.
Transfer to the area where screening personnel are located and check the unique quick response (QR) code each passenger shows on their mobile phone screen or printed QR form.
Screening personnel direct passengers, depending on their QR code, either to the screening area or to the exit (baggage claim area or passport control). Until the screening results become available, passengers tested for the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 by a trained health team are obliged to self-isolate at the address of their final destination as declared on their passenger locator form (PLF). Upon completion of the screening, they are directed towards the exit.
All passengers must comply with all of the necessary preventive hygiene measures (use of masks and physical distancing).
Protocol for passengers arriving by sea
Arrival of incoming passengers on foot at the main entry gate.
Incoming passengers arriving in vehicles are directed to the special entry gate.
All passengers are transferred to areas where screening personnel are located and check the unique quick response (QR) code each passenger shows on their mobile phone screen or printed QR form.
Depending on passengers’ QR code, screening personnel either direct them to the screening area or allow them to enter the country. Until the screening results become available, passengers who are tested for the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 by a trained health team are obliged to self-isolate at the address of their final destination as declared on their passenger locator form (PLF). Upon completion of the screening they are allowed to enter the country.
All passengers must comply with all of the necessary preventive measures (use of masks and physical distancing).
Protocol for arrivals at land borders
Arrival of persons at the checkpoint. All persons entering the country must submit a completed passenger locator form (PLF) upon their arrival.
Passport and customs control are carried out and each incoming person’s unique quick response (QR) code is checked on their mobile phone screen or on the printed form with their QR code.
Depending on their code, incoming persons are directed by security personnel either to the screening area or allowed to continue their trip to their final destination in the country, receiving instructions from the border personnel, concerning, in particular, required action in case they develop symptoms of respiratory infection, in which case they must immediately contact the National Public Health Organization (EODY) Operations Centre. If arriving persons plan to have multiple stop-overs in Greece, they must declare this and report their initial destination and their travel itinerary for the next 7 days. EODY Mobile Health Units (KOMY) will operate round the clock at land border checkpoints.
Until the screening results become available, arriving persons who are tested for the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 are obliged to self-isolate at the address of their final destination as declared on their passenger locator form (PLF). Their data is entered into the EODY information system, which is linked to the COVID registry to facilitate contact tracing in the event someone tests positive. Upon completion of the screening, they enter the country, receiving instructions concerning self-isolation until the results of their screening are announced.
All passengers must follow all of the necessary preventive hygiene measures (use of masks and physical/social distancing).“
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Welcome to Greece :-))
Die schauffeln sich gerade das eigene Grab, jetzt wo die Hochsaison beginnt.
Aber anscheinend braucht das reiche Griechenland kein Touristen Geld mehr. Well es dass sowieso wieder von der EU Gratis geschenkt bekommt.
Man du hast heute aber wieder schlechte Laune :-x
Eine Art „Arrival Form“ gibts ähnlicher Art doch schon ewig in den USA, Down Under usw.
Man kann nur hoffen, dass die Leute ehrlich ausfüllen.
Und lieber so als englische Zustände.
Dann reicht es aber auch bei Ankunft wie in Spanien. Fieber messen war dann wie in China. Ansonsten ist der Aufenthalt in Spanien eindeutig besser als in D.
Ich wollte nach Griechenland, aber es ist mir alles ein wenig zu kompliziert. Stattdessen fliege ich nach Italien (ganz im Süden).
Ich finde keine Information, ob jeder das ausfüllen muss oder ob einer reicht und seine Begleitperson mit angibt Weiß das jemand?
Das muss jeder einzeln machen!
Das muss jeder einzeln machen!
Muss ich das auch für meine Kinder unter 5 ausfüllen? Ist ja etwas schwierig, weil sie keine eigene Mail Adresse, Handynummer etc haben… weiß das jemand?
Jemand schon einen QR Code erhalten? Wollen Samstag nach KGS, direkt Sonntag Abend beantragt. Wird spannend.
Gerade angekommen, gestern gegen 15:45 beantragt.
Habe auch Sonntag beantragt, noch nichts erhalten.
Für wann ist denn der Flug geplant, bei den Leuten die schon eine Rückmeldung erhalten haben?