Doha und Bogota Airport werden Skytrax Covid-19 Five Star Airports

Im Haus, Decke, Mobiliar, Wand, Empfangshalle, Halle, Inneneinrichtung, Boden, Zimmer

Doha und Bogota erhalten die Skytrax Covid-19 Five Star Auszeichnung …

Im Haus, Decke, Mobiliar, Wand, Empfangshalle, Halle, Inneneinrichtung, Boden, Zimmer

Skytrax hat neue Airport Bewertungen. Ein Airport erhält jetzt auch ein Covid-19 Ranking. Im September wurde Rom Fiumicino als sicherer Five Star Covid-19 ausgezeichnet:  REALLY??? Rom ist erster Skytrax Covid-19 FIVE STAR AIRPORT

Nun folgen Doha und Bogota Airport:

„Hamad International Airport has become the first airport in the Middle East and Asia to be awarded a 5-Star COVID-19 Airport Safety Rating by Skytrax. The audit evaluated how effectively COVID-19 policies are implemented at Qatar’s airport against the Skytrax COVID-19 safety rating standards.“

Die Pressemitteilung zum Skytrax 5-Star Covid-19 Ranking von Hamad International Airport: Hamad International Airport is the first airport in the Middle East to receive the 5-Star COVID-19 Airport Safety Rating

„Bogotá’s El Dorado International Airport is the first airport in South America to be Certified with the 5-Star COVID-19 Airport Safety Rating, by international air transport rating agency Skytrax.
El Dorado International Airport is the primary gateway to Colombia and a major transfer point for other destinations in South America. The 5-Star COVID-19 Airport Safety Rating is recognition of the effectiveness of COVID-19 measures introduced by the airport to protect customers and staff against the spread of coronavirus.“

Die Pressemitteilung zum Skytrax 5-Star Covid-19 Ranking vom Bogota International Airport: Bogota El Dorado Airport is the first airport in South America to receive the 5-Star COVID-19 Safety Rating

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Kommentare 2
  1. Haette nicht erwartet, dass Bogota Airport in der aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Situation sich die nicht gerade kleine ‚Consulting‘-Gebuehr (aka Schmiergeld) an Skytrax leisten kann.

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